
Monday 5 March 2012

How to hide user account from the Windows XP welcome screen?

It shows how to hide user account from the Windows XP welcome screen using registry.
Keywords: registry, regedit, User Account, Logo, settings.

Steps to hide user account from the Win XP welcome screen

Step 1: Click Start button and type regedit in RUN option and continue.

Step 2: Then locate: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\

Step 3: Right click on the right side panel and create a new DWORD Value with the name of account to be hidden - the name matches the users name exactly.

Step 4: Then change the change the value to 0 (hide) and change to 1 (show).

Step 5: Now restart your system for the changes to take place.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this tip. It's very simple and easy to do. Personally, I love to search for information about this subject, because it's an interesting domain. I've learned stuff from Toronto IT support... I have a friend who works there and he shared some good things :D
