
Monday 7 May 2012

To convert drive from FAT to NTFS or NTFS to FAT

It shows how to convert drive from FAT to NTFS or NTFS to FAT
Keywords: drive, NTFS, FAT

Steps to convert FAT to NTFS or NTFS to FAT

Step 1: Click start button and type cmd in run option (Command Prompt)

Step 2: Then type: "CONVERT [drive letter]: /FS:NTFS" (FAT to NTFS)
type: "CONVERT[drive letter]: /FS:FAT" (NTFS to FAT)

Note: must take backup before continue this process.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Change or Customize Drive icon of Windows XP

It shows how to change or customize drive icon of windows XP
Keywords: drive, windows, OS.

Steps to change drive icons

Step 1: First you need an icon image, ie, with extension (*.ICO), example: drived.ico

Step 2: Copy the icon image to the appropriate drive,( here taking D: Drive) example: D:\drived.ico

Step 3: Then create an autorun file with an extention (*.INF) example: D:\autorun.inf (Simply right click->New->Text Document. Rename it to autorun.inf (.inf is Extension))

Step 4: Now open the autorun file and type the following:


Step 5: Now close the file and restart your system for the changes to take place

Note: autorun and icon file must be in the same root drive